Meet our newest team member!

As FuelMe gets ready to take its service to the next level, our team is slowly growing with enthusiastic individuals. The first person we would like to welcome to our dynamic team is Tuukka!

Tuukka has been involved in different tech companies, mostly startups, while working on various projects from hardware to E-commerce to software services. “My role has often combined tech, marketing and sales, with job titles ranging from product manager, designer, founder, developer, customer service and account manager. I enjoy working in small teams and building big things from scratch - so with the current revamp going on, FuelMe fits in greatly.”

Our newest team member is currently as well developing digital assets at Emmy.fi, a startup founded in 2015 with a goal to build a functional aftermarket for used clothes. “While the work in a startup company is very varied, my main task at Emmy is the continuous improvement of customer experience in all the digital channels. The thing I like the most about the work is that it has a real purpose and meaning; by enabling people to actually recycle and make more ecological choices, we are reducing CO2 emissions and textile waste on a large scale.”

We got in touch with Tuukka already a while back, but talks have progressed quickly during the last few weeks. “I learned about FuelMe through common friends and at one point there was talk that FuelMe would need some help with improving their Shopify-based webstore. Already then we kind of saw the common interest. Early in 2018 we agreed that I would test the service to evaluate the user experience and provide feedback. When discussing the findings and the opportunity closer with Pieter and Mika I learned more about the company’s plans and values and it seemed like a good match for all of us.”

At FuelMe Tuukka will have a consulting role where he advises and helps in planning how to develop the FuelMe webstore and customer journey further. From time to time he will also do certain hands-on work with the online store.

Besides his current work projects, Tuukka maintains an active and balanced free time. “I am a father of three small children and the family life keeps me well occupied. Apart from that, when I have a chance, I keep myself in shape by doing functional training and Pilates, and like the guys, I even have a few years of a CrossFit background. We live in Lohja and we were one of the first cities in Finland to get a CF box and I really enjoyed it. I’ve also flown a sailplane but it’s been many many years since the last time so my license is waiting for renewal (some day...).”

It is not a coincidence Tuukka is joining our team and we are excited with his new role at FuelMe. He has a good and positive eye on the path that we set ourselves on. “Prepared meals is a market where there is established competition, but FuelMe has a very unique approach that is targeted to people interested in an active and healthy lifestyle. I believe there is great demand for the clean and fresh handmade food that FuelMe offers, especially when it’s made super easy for the customer. If we can help people eat less junk food, feel better, be healthier and cope better with a busy life, to me that is already a success.”’


Welcome to FuelMe, Tuukka!

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